Last weekend I stumbled upon a small old fashioned candy store in some remote part of Osaka station. They had it all from the dried squid snacks, home made hard candy drops, and gummies in unique shapes to various adult themed candy. At first I perused the store snatching anything that looked strange and unfamiliar to me. Then a young Japanese couple came in. I observed as they pointed to candies saying, "Natsukashii," which means something like nostalgic. I did a second round through the store and grabbed what I could remember them pointing to.

This one actually had me saying, "Natsukashii." Candy cigarettes!!!

And a plastic pipe filled with chocolate paste. It tastes exactly like the inside of those cheap chocolate pies you can get for like 80 cents in the grocery stores back home.
I took photos of the rest, but I'm way to lazy to bother uploading them at this point. Other finds include: a powder you put in water to make it look like beer, penis and boob shaped chocolates, shit shaped gummies, candy that looks like ramen, bomb candy that pops on your tongue, and a little jar of grape flavored frosting complete with tiny wooden spoon to eat it with.